first of all, this past transfer has been absolutely amazing! We have
seen so many mighty miracles here in Plantation and the District! Now we
have a new beginning ahead of us. I am excited to push foreword with
faith this next transfer and see huge miracles! With God all things are
possible, and this transfer we are always going to trust in God! And
this transfer I will be staying here in Plantation and Elder Wardell
will be leaving us. It is sad because I truly do love Elder Wardell but I
am grateful for the Lord giving me something new to learn and grow
This week
we definitely saw as we trusted in God, he granted us success. In
District Training this week I trained about starting off the week strong
to then finish strong! So we all made a commitment to God to not only
get eight blessings by Wednesday, but be above average missionaries and
get fifteen blessings by Wednesday! So Monday night we set out to
harvest and our first couple of blessings were not elect people, we also
were facing a lot of adversity with rude people. But we knew as we
pushed threw it God would grant us success. That night our fifth and
sixth blessing were extremely powerful, they both accepted baptism and
church! The Lord gave us a witness of our faith as we put our trust in
him. Then as we were walking back to our bikes we contacted this lady on
her bike with her dog and got her address to come back the next day.
When we came back the next day we left the harvest blessing with her and
she began to cry. She exclaimed how she had never felt this kind of
peace before in her life. As we testified of baptism and church and how
that would bring that kind of peace into her life she readily accepted.
God blessed us as we pushed threw adversity, and started off the week
strong. I love seeing miracles like this every day and love that here in
the FFLM we see them every single day!
But here in
Plantation we are a car area but we end up biking a lot because we find
amazing finding opportunities while we are on bike. Six of our baptisms
last transfer came from contacts on the bike which is amazing!
Always trust in
God fellow Brothers and Sisters and I can testify that all will be
well. I do need to give a shout out this week to my little Sister Gabbe
for her birthday on Saturday! She finna be fourteen and that's crazy!
But I love you all! May God be with you always!
With Love,
Elder Pond