Hello Family and Friends!!
It was soo amazing to hear from ya'll this week!! Even though this
week I hardly had any time at all to relax cause we were honestly SOO
BUSY all week long!! I know I use to work super hard at baseball, but
Elder Shaffer and I are working harder than I have ever worked!! And
now it's a bike week and I am not looking foreword to that.. But we
will work hard either way! Things here in Wellington are amazing!!
Transfers are already comin up again and they will be here in two
weeks now so be careful with mail. You will be good if you send it
within the next week or so but when it gets close just send mail to
the mission office and they will send it to me whether I get
transfered or stay here in Wellington!! I hope and pray that I stay
here in Wellington cause we have some amazing people that we are
working with that I cannot wait to see them recieve the blessings and
happyness that comes threw baptism! I cannot wait for after the
mission to take ya'll out here to meet the amazing people that I have
met already, and I know throughout my two years here I will meet many
more amazing people!
This week Elder Shaffer and I stood strong with our faith knowing if
we worked hard miracles would come forth, and they did!! One night a
couple of appointments fell threw, so we were going to see a potential
that we have lost contact with and while we were we saw a couple of
the street. So of course we decided to contact them and offer a
blessing from Jesus Christ! As we began talking with them they loved
the doctrine we were sharing, accepted a blessing, eventually accepted
a baptisimal date, and came to church this week! We defientely saw the
blessings of talking to absolutely everyone this week and the Lord led
us to that couple!
We also had a very inspirational lesson with a family that we are
teaching! She absolutely loves how the church and gospel is always
centered around families because she raised twelve kids herself! They
love church and are progressing very well to be baptized. But we
showed them some mormon.org profiles and a mormon message on families
and the Spirit was there without a doubt. We testified and by the end
of the lesson they were even testifying to a friend that was just
visiting for the day. It was amazing to see how they felt, recognized,
and then acted upon the Spirit. It was also amazing to see how we
could apply mormon.org into our teaching and use it as another
Ah it is truly amazing to see how the Spirit can work within people. I
have noticed that most of the time people might not even know what we
are talking about, but they can recognize how they feel when we teach
and testify of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We have this
Haitan sister that we are teaching who is amazing, she just doesn't
speak very much English so doesn't understand a lot of what we say.
Imagine how hard it would be to teach someone like that right, but it
isn't cause the Spirit really does the true teaching! She explained to
us that when we left a blessing on her home, she felt a peace and
happyness come over her and every single time we come over she feels
that same peace and happyness. She accepted to be baptized just
because of the Spirit and how she felt and came to church this week!
The Spirit is the real teacher in the gospel!
But I hope and pray all is going well back in the good old 801! The
day I get back in Febuary 2014 I am pumped to go shred the slopes all
day long so be preapred!! But Zac you might be a worse driver than me
big man! Hope ball is goin well and you're tearin it up. I'm excited
I'll be back for your senior year and tell your coach to save me an
assistant coaching job! I am excited for you guys back home to find a
family that the missionaries can teach and baptize! I promise and
testify that is where true happyness and joy comes. But other than
that just workin hard here in Wellington bringing souls closer to
Jesus Christ. And I do get your letters and packages don't worry! El
Bell I wanna hear from ya soon man! I'm waitin to here what has been
goin on and how the ladies are! You as well Breezy!! Love ya'll and
may the Spirit be with you!
Mobbin for life!!
Elder Pond