Dear Family and Friends,
Another amazing week in PARADISE!! Ah how I love the mission field and how blessed we truly are to be a part of the miracles that are happening here in Fort Lauderdale. I absolutely love seeing the Lords hand in the work, and I do see it every single day! The brethren called President Anderson this week and asked him how our mission is having such success, he responded we are obedient, have faith, and work hard!! So we just must continue to be obedient, have faith, and work hard in the vineyard as the world looks upon us for us to guide them to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I love how everyone here in Floridas life can be blessed, if they accept the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We are giving two years unto the Lord so families can have eternities as my good friend Big V once told me who is now in the MTC!
This week was absolutely inspiring here in Wellington South! Right when Monday hit Elder Shaffer and I knew that we had a brand new week in our hands and we must work hard to make something out of it. It is truly amazing to see our hard work of 42 total lessons, 21 investigators in sacrament meeting, and 19 baptisimal dates come forth this week. I cannot wait to link all of these amazing investigators to recieving the blessings of baptism! The thing I probably saw most this week was the blessing it is to get investigators to come to church and preparing them to do so. One of our investigators named Wendetta has been taught by the missionaries for a while now and has been taught everything but has not came to church. So this week we met with her twice before Sunday and pounded attending church into her until she was finally like, "I'm coming to church this Sunday, I NEED to see what it is like for myself". So she attended church and we went over to her home Sunday night to see what she felt. She explained to us that she felt totally at peace during Church and knew it was the Spirit. Wendetta absolutely loved church! So we pounded how she can have that Sprit with here constantly threw entering the waters of baptism and recieving the Gift of the Holy Ghost in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and she is so close to accepting it is amazing!! It was just a huge testimony strengthener to me that this is Christ's church and the FULLNESS of peace and blessings can be felt within this gospel.
We also saw that as we applied our specilized trainings that we recieved this week from the Assistants of increasing desires and then an action that follows are lessons were filled with the Spirit just testifying and they are absolutely being prepared for baptism! After the end of our lessons this week people were asking us how they could get a Book of Mormon, or how they can come to church it was amazing!! Like we went to go teach a part member family Ricky and Colleen and Ricky's mom is a less active member. We saw Colleens ears peark up when we talked about eternal families so we pounded that into her and Ricky. Then at the end we invited them to come to church and Ricky said we'll see, but then Colleen came in and told us we will absolutely be there!! And guess what!? They did show and were able to feel of the Spirit at church!
So as you can see missionary life is going amazing here in Wellington South and in the Fort Lauderdale Florida Mission! P-Days consist of going to Wall-Mart, studying, writing letters, and fishing!!
Miracles are happening here in Wellington South, Staurt Zone, and the Fort Lauderdale Florida Mission! Miracles from the Lord and we owe everything to Him. He is our Savior and Redeemer. I love being a missionary and serving the Lord cause this is His work!! Everyone back home ALWAYS remember how blessed you truly are for having the RESTORED GOSPEL in your lives and never forget that!!!! So many people do and then they become in-active and it truly breaks my heart. So press forward with the gospel and Jesus Christ leading you in your lives!! I love y'all and write me as much as you would like anytime you would like and always cause mail is amazing!!
With Love,
Elder Pond